Wednesday, 18 December 2013


ZoukOut 2013

I've never been to ZoukOut before, and have always been curious about this 'thing' being the largest event held in Singapore. Partying in a club is the usual thing, but a beach party? Something I had yet to try. Glad to have another tick off my bucket list. Previous years it never really struck to me to attend, one thing which was I wasn't really into house music in the first place; and secondly, I was always given the impression that partying on the beach was disgustingly crammy, sweaty, smelly and all just a tiresome ordeal. Well, things have changed. Since last year I've somehow grown out of my R&B phase and got hooked onto house music and haven't turned back since. Perhaps R&B just isn't the same as it used to be anymore, long gone are the amazing days of 'Rollin' from Chamillionaire and all that jazz.

So this year I took a chance with ZoukOut and decided to go for Day 1 anyway despite not knowing anyone else besides two acquaintances among the group. Usually I'm not a fan of partying with strangers, but hey, since none of my usual sidekicks were interested I thought why not. It's about time I shrugged off the 'wait for friends' mentality and just go with my flow. My heart's still young enough to have a go at it, so might as well have fun while I can (YOLO). Anyway enough talk, here are just some pictures from the night. Do excuse the lack of quality here but these will have to make do, all in variations of repetitive poses and people with tacky filters. The night was really fun, I sweated balls and balls (hair dripping like nobody's goddamn biznaz), got really hungry at 4am, sat down at McD's for nuggets and fries and started dozing shortly after. Obviously it was time to go home by then cause I no longer can withstand such long nights with multiple hardcore fistpumping action anymore. But the night was a good workout, and I'm always in for dancing in flip flops (bless'em feet). Though, heard that Day 2 was equally or more fun so I'm kinda bummed that we missed out on that. But hey, there's always gonna be next year right? ;)

Gang of the night:
Crystal, Jeff, Michelle, Lak (luck?), Laressa (not sure if I spelt this right), Vanessa & sorry-I-can't-remember-your-name

Random dudes, I have no idea.

Beyond smashed and pooped out. Ah and drippy hair. Good times.

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