Tuesday, 27 November 2012


22 - 64

22 days to Japan - 64 days to Bali

Yes my dear folks, with the -finally- fast approaching year end trip, some friends and I have decided upon an impromptu Bali trip next year. In January. Exactly a month after I just returned from Japan. Hell, my wallet  sure does need some serious nursing given the constant damage that it always receives. Not to mention, I really need to save up the days of leave for a trip over to visit the cousin before she graduates and comes home for good (the cheapskate in me shall refuse to miss the opportunity of free accommodation/food/transports that possibly my relatives may offer since they'd be heading over too). Plus, it would be my first trip to the States, and how can anyone not be stoked about that? Duh. Anyway, Bali. Second trip there, and my fourth seaside holiday. I really need to attempt para-sailing once and for all and die a happy woman. And not to mention salad and swimming for a whole month to get rid of the likely excess load brought back from Japan. Ok rants, I'm done, bye.

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