Yesterday, a thought struck to me to start digging through old photos. Sudden inspirations come to me now and then, when I think about redecorating my room or just plain readjustments. I flipped through a whole lot of them, aged and yellow. And memories started flooding through. Back then, back when.
I chose two favorites and stuck them to my wall. Permanent.
Some weekends ago, the family and I did the annual trip to the temple to visit my dad. Past years, I've done my own trips to the memoriam at Mandai. But this year, out of convenience, a visit to the temples sufficed instead. Either way, never a trip do I not shed a tear. 25th May. A memory of loss, and a reminder of regret. A date never forgotten. I remember it happening as if it just happened yesterday. At that moment, I felt shattered all over again.
I miss you daddy. Very much. I still very much do.
I miss you daddy. Very much. I still very much do.
Four days to my 25th. The damned number, 25.
I could do with none of it anymore.
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