So its been some time since I last wrote here again. Besides the last update of my Japan trip last year, I've yet to upload on my Bali trip from early this year. Bah, I'm really getting so lazy at this. But oddly therapeutic at times too. Oh blog what am I to do with you. I'm fickle like this, shrugs.
Into the mid-month of March already. Time flies. No changes to the daily usual. I've been out and about, sick, and shopping way too much. This month has been the absolute bomb since ages. I've been eating out a lot too, so that counts to the additional dollar bills spent. Splurges splurges splurges, shopping frenzies have been (extra) addicting of late. It seems like shopping alone could possibly be more dangerous to the wallet than I thought, not to mention my never-ending love for online shopping. I'm not sure but I've been obsessed with make up lately. I mean I've always been into them, but just the basics y'know. The other day I bought myself two new MAC eyeshadows. Thank God for vouchers, I bought another MAC kohl pencil too. Spending too much, saving too little. Last week I actually rushed down to town to get my hands on the Nars Happening Eye & Cheek Palette (j'adore!) as lusted and previously mentioned. So happened that Tangs was having their 12% rebate event, so I'd like to think that my expensive palette was fated to be a worthy score. After which I scooted off on a 15 minute sprint to class for hot pilates. Oh, did I mention about taking up hot yoga again? Well, I scored this awesome deal on Groupon, ten sessions for 42 bucks. Like, seriously. Too good a deal to miss. I love a great bargain, who doesn't duh. So yeah, my first class started last week and it was pretty awesome to sweat like a pig again. But of course, I totally sucked at it since giving it up for so long to habitual swimming instead, I was panting like a dog by the end of class. Liberating though, I have this sickening love for aching of muscles. And before I end off, I finally did a new set of gel nails yesterday, for friggin' 30 bucks. So so cheap, and money rollin' deep. Love.
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