Why hello there. As you can tell from the displayed picture, I may have been a tad too bored on a hot ass Sunday afternoon. If the optimistic side of you may think that I have been punched right to the eyeballs, sorry to disappoint. I kid. :) I was bored enough to experiment with one of the favorite videos I saved from the Pixiwoo duo, a tutorial on one of Kirsten Stewart's many looks (I dislike the girl and her atrocious acting but one's gotta admit that the girl can scrub up well at times though). Anyway, I've never really been able to master the full smokey-eyes look, and always have been the lazy sort. Some flick of a liner to do that easy cat-eye is what I live in possibly everyday.
Anyways -- the outcome of my make-up testing ended up darker than it should've been (it's supposed to be a richer plum, but mine looked a tinge too purplish. Ohhhh well.) but anyhow, looked rather satisfying enough for me this time. I should probably switch my going-out looks the next time round. I've pulled off my red lips for so many times its gets boring after some time. We'll see. Anyways, pictures after the cut.
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