Wednesday, 26 February 2014

These were some weekends back. I had the bliss of enjoying two large meals in one day. Steamboat first at the bestie's place, and BBQ session with the Poly mates later that night. You could say I was literally bursting with food by the end of it. T o o  m u c h  f o o d, period.

Monday, 24 February 2014

A much long overdue post, obviously. But still doing it nonetheless to fill up this empty space. This year I decided to chance a return to the old hometown for the new year. I never really thought about it, but apparently it's been close to ten years since I've last gone back. Back in the hey days I was much preoccupied by relationships to have bothered, and perhaps it turned into habit too even after the relationship dissolved years after. I admit it's pretty bad of me to have neglected family gatherings like these for so long, but to be honest I don't even mingle much even when I do go back. I'm the second oldest kid there and the rest of the kiddos are of much younger ages, so I don't hang around much. And I complain too much, really. And well true to that, I pretty much just sat around and watched Running Man on my iPad mini all day during my stay. I swear I finished more than ten episodes over my 2.5 days in Malacca, and that's with each episode 1.5 hours long. You can imagine my boredom, yawn. I think I ate a lot too. Someone definitely needs to keep those mini fried prawn rolls away from me.