These new babies are finally mine. I've had them on my mind for a while now but never got down to getting my hands on them. In a spur moment, I clicked the 'confirm' button and bam, they're mine. Right now, these would be my third pair of Rayban's, after the wayfarers and aviators. And these classics will do you no wrong. Too good.
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Hi, hello. Its been a while. I've been lazy. And I'm bored right now. Can't believe the first month is already coming to an end. What's new? Nothing much. Nothing ever is. Sulk. Pout.
Ah yes, pictures from Japan. They'll be up pretty soon. Editing has been one hell of a bitch cause there are just too many, but yeah I know its my fault. I'm a perfectionist when I really could just post the whole lot up just like that (cringe). Anyway, just so you know.
Bali next week. Can't wait for a new trip and some laid back chillin'. Haven't been in a good mood these days and I'm cutting down on food cause I just don't feel hungry. Late nights cause Dr Phil is too darn addictive. Work is annoying dealing with annoying morons doing annoying stuff. A one night JB work trip is set for next week, right before I fly for Bali. I'm stuck with the office outcast. Gee, fun.
I really need some coffee right now.
Monday, 14 January 2013

Out Stealing Horses
- Per Petterson
- Per Petterson
We are all human, I get it. We are the slaves to our body, mind and soul. And many times we act on what we base on. Emotion, knowledge and beliefs.
Do not presume nor preach of your assumptions. Do not speak of fact based on your own assumptions. I take in words, but I will not understand. Because nothing is ever certain, and you will never know till it smacks you right back in your face. And the truth, will hurt one day. Two days. Three.
Never say you know someone best. Never say another is of no worth. Never say you hurt the worst. And never say you love the most.
Simply because you don't know.
Sunday, 13 January 2013

Today. The sun was good. I went out alone. I got off the wrong stop. I got lost on my journey. I walked round in circles. I found my spot. I had a coffee and read a book. I plugged in music on repeat mode. I smoked a cigarette and got lost walking back.
Today was not about time. Today, I had my own time.
Today was good. Today was still.
Let there be more of today.
Monday, 7 January 2013

Yeah, so the new year has started and everyone's back to work. Yawn. Not surprisingly, I'm still bored as always (like I said, attention span has never been my forte) and still brooding over my recent holiday. Now that I've pretty much sobered up with the help of more sleep, the post holiday blues are indeed starting to kick in. Today, the weather is about (or already has as I type this) to hit the ultimate of 35 degrees here. Wow, now I almost wish I could be back in the blistering cold in Japan. Yeah yeah, life never satisfies. Anyway, back to my purpose of this post today - resolutions. So we do this list every year and somehow attempt to stick to it till year end comes again and we think about what's been achieved, and what's failed. At times we also forget about it altogether, and the next year comes up with another useless set of points anyway. Yup, been there done that. But I will say that I managed to remember the few pointers I set last year. And this year no less I will set another similarly few just to join in the fun bandwagon.
#1 - Work out more habitually, snack less regularly. I'm quite sure possibly everyone has this on their list year to year with the majority failing to stick to it. Its practically the hardest thing to do, duh! Well, for me too. I've lost some weight and gained some, the bitch hormones in me can't seem to make up their minds you see. But still, I try my best to work out as much as possible. By working out, it means just swimming for me. I thank the blessings for a public pool 5 minutes away from home, hence able to swim most days after work when it suits me. The reason for not choosing a gym, however much I'd like to bump into 'hot' sweaty men, I'm just too lazy to even bother traveling to one. The nearest one to me is a few stations away, and I regard that too much a hassle, so swimming will do for me just fine. When I started out, it used to be 3-4 times a week, but now it cuts to 1-3 times a week. Excuses excuses they may be, but I admit I'm slacking out, and I sure do hope to pick up my pace and determination again this year. At the start of my new job half a year ago, I didn't own a single snack at my desk. But to date, more are stacking up given by friends and colleagues over time. Ugh, temptation kills they say, and I am a weakling. If only we were kids again, with lollipops sticking out and chocolate smudging our mouths, without a care in the world eh?
#2 - Earn more money, save even more. I can't really do anything about my paycheck unless my efforts show and the company thrives. As much as I complain about boredom at work, I take my shit seriously and work at my best in hopes of success and of course, moolah in the bank. New plans have been set for me, and I wish for a smooth journey through. I aim for a new bag each year and the novelty hasn't run off me either, and I'll see what's up for takes. Saving money has been both a plus and weakness of mine. I try hard to achieve the digits, yet my love of bags cost an arm or leg too. So which way to go? I shall aim for both.
#3 - Travels. I never took this seriously till I embarked on my first few travels with friends back then. Be it sightseeing or shopping, its been countless pleasurable experiences and I sure do crave for more. I bought my camera for the purpose of capturing travel moments, so I've got to make that money spent worth. But travel never comes cheap, so linking back to #2, I'll definitely need to save more to accomplish this.
#4 - Read more. I used to read a lot. I love reading. I got into the habit since young when I became interested in unfamiliar words and wanted to know and learn about them. I thank reading for keeping my English at levels and over time improving it. Recently, I've cut down on it due to another set of lame excuses. This round, I wish that the bookworm in me stays put more often.
#5 - Blog as often as I can. We probably all used to own a blog back in the day. For all that odd bitching, moaning and whining about boys, life, school and parents. No different from me, but I've long moved on from there. Last year, I decided to start a blog again, just to document the random bits in life and travels. Very often I get lazy (no surprise there) and there will be periods of hiatus, but I'll try my best to write more on this space. Memories as they be in our heads, you won't know what's to happen any day and at times you just want to sit down and reminisce a bit. And here, will be that space for me.
#6 - Be nicer to people. I'm naturally a snarky bitch, that's why. Period.
#5 - Blog as often as I can. We probably all used to own a blog back in the day. For all that odd bitching, moaning and whining about boys, life, school and parents. No different from me, but I've long moved on from there. Last year, I decided to start a blog again, just to document the random bits in life and travels. Very often I get lazy (no surprise there) and there will be periods of hiatus, but I'll try my best to write more on this space. Memories as they be in our heads, you won't know what's to happen any day and at times you just want to sit down and reminisce a bit. And here, will be that space for me.
#6 - Be nicer to people. I'm naturally a snarky bitch, that's why. Period.
So then, let's just have a good one this year eh?
Thursday, 3 January 2013

Instagram --- @xraragaga
Before I even start on the Japan posts, here's a gist of my travelogue via Instagram. As you can tell, there's a major portion dedicated to food, just cause they were so worthy a mention. The food in Japan is so SO good, so perfectly designed, and so much attention to detail. Words literally failed me each time I set my eyes on any goodies (excuse me while I pick my mouth off the ground). I am such a sucker for packaging, and that is also why I spent half my expense load on the pretty goods I'm almost half hesitant to open any of them. Let them sit there being all pretty, aww. Ah Japan, indeed I'm sold.

Hello 2013. You've come so soon. In another instance, another year has gone by in a whim. And already I'm back home from my Japan escapade (updates soon, let's hope). Time is flying, but I want to stay forever young. Hitting the mid-20s is quite the frightening bit, and growing up too fast doesn't seem so fun anymore. And how different does each year's passing mark a brand new start, when beginnings, achievements and promises can be made at any point in time? Ah, food for thought indeed. I set out with a new year resolution each time with some mindless purposes in life. A new piercing, some new ink, a new job, a new boytoy (I kid). Its pretty hard when you don't know what's set for you, and especially worse for me when I have the shortest attention span and being the worst procrastinator. New beginnings await, new challenges to be accepted, and new travels to wander and explore. I've yet to see and learn so much more, but time is not waiting by, how to catch up? We always want the best, oui? I crave for the best too, but we shall see. Life and its twists.
Some reflections on the past year-
Work. Leaving my first real job for another. No one likes going through interviews, and I had my fair share of intensely nerve-wrecking moments. I'm glad to have found my current (for now) albeit the bumps along and ahead of me. But the most important, having met some of the best people in the latter. I've always felt blessed to have met the best people from work, of whom I've stayed as friends long after I've left. Friendship is dear, and for that I am thankful of.
Friendship. I speak of this on a separate note, as I too have seen through the importance and fragility of friendship during this past year. I've made new friends, we've had our ups and downs, and some have long faded into the past. I may not have noticed this back then when I was in a relationship, but I do see now how much a relationship does harm to friendship. Best friends have drifted off to their own worlds, and words no longer spoken. Such trivial issues that spread so wide. It saddens me and disappoints to see such truths, but true. Awkward moments caused by unforeseen circumstances, but I hope they will come through.
Wanderlust. I will do a full update on my recent trip, but before I do I must profess my deep love for Japan. The country, full of humbleness, courtesy and grace - of which will forever stay in my mind. This year I made a trip to a place I've never been before, and one of which I yearn to return soon. And as the humble slogan says- Japan, thank you.
Self. I left a relationship in the previous year and learnt a lot. I lost necessary weight, exercised to stay fit and slim. I still do, and its been a pleasurable habit of mine. I inked myself, thrice. And I managed through the pain easily which I'm proud of. To do things you've wanted to do so many times but never had the guts to, says a lot regardless what it is. Its the achievement that counts. I got my very first Chanel since fawning at the age of 14, and ten years later I finally earned my own. I saved money too. I don't give a shit about people judging me for not giving my mom money from my paycheck. I was never into traditions anyway, so spare me the judgmental bullshit. I buy my own stuff, sell my own stuff, and buy stuff for my family too. This year, I hope to earn more and save more. Wanderlust is my top priority, and if friends (attached or unattached) won't join me on the journey, I jolly will do so on my own. I've come to love the feeling of doing things alone (well, not everything) and the liberation that comes with it. Singledom has done me good, so lets keep it this way for now shall we. I'm never a fan to jump on the same bandwagon as everyone else, so lets leave the couple talk someday later. I've much more to achieve. Braces, something which hadn't crossed my mind till late last year and plunging into decisiveness to go ahead with them despite half the nation protesting against them. A costly set of teeth I have, but all for the better future. My point is, do what you do, and nothing else matters.
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