Hi guys, been a lack of updates lately. I've been busy, lazy and haven't been shooting pictures so there. I'll just lay out the gist of recent happenings.
1. Sunday flea markets, cause I'm fast becoming poorer than I already am with my rising expenditures in everything and anything.
2. Dental appointments, as you may (or not) notice in the picture, following up to my braces set up. Yes, I finally took the plunge (back to topic of rising expenditures, get it now?) and committed myself to a two-year relationship to being a full-fledged metal mouth. The first week was such a bitch of pain after my extraction (I am now 4 teeth lesser again after 4 wisdom teeth gone from last year) cause they had these annoying rubber bands stuck in between the teeth to space them out. Ugh, bitch. Don't ask me why I never thought of it earlier or why do I need them (apparently half the world disregards my need for braces yada yada), its just a matter of me knowing now and going for it. And yes, I thought about it long and through, and I do what I want. I'm a woman for pain to gain. So there you go guys, say hi to metal mouth. -waves!!-

3. On the day that I had my braces done, I managed to also squeeze in a mani-pedi appointment, and when I got home I did my hair. I haven't done self-dyes in ages, and was kind of flustered as I tried to juggle it through while at the same time catching up on my Korean drama. The color turned out more blackish than I thought, when I bought the pack and it stated dark brown. Mm what the hell. But I'm sure my stylist is gonna bite at me for this. Whooopsy. So yeah see? I'm a busy bimbo.
4. The mother's birthday, okay so the day ended up a blurry buzz cause I woke up late (hey, I had a really insane early start the day before alright) and spent a long time chewing immensely slow on soft fruit whilst getting used to the steel in my mouth. Anyway, my sisters and I decided to bake a cake this year for my mom's birthday. Thankfully, the youngest has had some previous practice, so naturally she was put to take charge...while I did the paying for ingredients. Well okay, I did weigh out some portions and did some mixtures, not a total free rider. And I'm proud to say that the red velvet cake turned out pretty well, tasty in fact if I might add. For once, I'd bother with a second helping cause it was that good. And yes, the Nutella did help a lot too. Since I could barely chew anything, I scrapped the idea of dinner making (total lack of time anyway) and treated the fam to Canton Paradise dim sum instead (no, I didn't get to eat the roasted honey pork or custard buns -wails-).
5. Packing for Japan, cause this bitch here tends to bring her whole closet anywhere she goes. I'm picky and insistent like that, so sue me. Yes, I have a hard time choosing outfits, and with this round's trip consisting of so much winter wear, frankly speaking I'm really quite at a loss here on how to pack my luggage. With 1 shearling, 2 wool, and 1 fur coat to squeeze, my luggage is already barely keeping them in even with them jam-packed in compressor bags. And we haven't moved on to inner wears yet. Oh woes.
So there, I'm been a busy lazy girl. Thankfully, no Christmas shopping this year cause apparently all the friends are so busy with boyfriends and can't be bothered about anyone else, so all the more for me kiddos. Plus Japan has literally squeezed me dry. Oh, but its finally happening next week. For real. Oh yeah, mama's coming.